Claire Walker
Claire Walker graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2006. After working for a year in mixed practice and getting bitten by one too many hamsters, Claire moved down South in 2007 to follow her passion for working with cows. (She has always had a leaning for the larger beasts, having spent a summer in South Africa learning about game capture.)
Claire joined the Livestock Partnership in August 2009 and is based in Hampshire. Since working solely with production animals she has gained an interest in fertility, artificial insemination techniques, embryo transfer and young stock health.
In her ‘spare time’ she enjoys walking in the South Downs, albeit slower than is ideal with three kids, Jack, Cameron and Trixie, in tow! She also tries to keep up with a bit of running and escapes to the coast as much as possible. Claire completed her certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (Cattle) in September 2016.
Mobile: 07890 416378